A new school year brings about an air of excitement to every corner of a school. The smiles of new pupils, the welcoming words of new teachers, the feeling of a new classroom and, of course, the smell of new books!
This year we welcomed 56 new pupils to our school. 43 new Junior Infants, 7 pupils to Seoidín and 6 more in other classes throughout the school. We hope that their time with us in Presentation Primary is a happy one!

The Junior Infants have certainly enjoyed a great start to life in the Pres. This week they enjoyed an Autumn Nature Walk as well as doing art and playing in their new surroundings. It is lovely to see the boys and girls make new friends and settle so well into the school routines.

Our other classes have been settling back into school life also.
Here are some of them enjoying being back at school.

On the agenda was Maths Week as well as how we can make our school yard a better place.

Much of this week’s art work has been inspired by self-portraits and based on the topic of ‘Me’. Here are some wonderful examples of the children’s work.

Well done to all the boys and girls (and indeed their wonderful teachers, SNAs and school staff) who made the new school year so much fun over the past couple of weeks. It really feels like we are back to school properly now and we look forward to a great year ahead.
As ever you will find dozens of photos here for you to enjoy. You can save them by ‘right-clicking’ and selcting ‘save image’.