Thurles Drama Group will present Alice’s Adventures in the New World in The Source Arts Centre on Monday 18th February. This is a modern, adult drama which promises to entertain you. The lead role of Alice is played by our very own Ms. Lorna Healy.


Traditionally, the proceeds of tickets sales on the opening night are given to a local cause. This year we are delighted to announce that Presentation Primary School will be the beneficiary of money raised on opening night.


The night will begin at 7:15pm with a Cheese & Wine reception.

The show commences at 8pm.

Tickets cost €20 and we are hoping that you can support us buying purchasing a ticket.

Tickets are on sale from the school office at 0504 22331 or from any staff member.


We would like to thank Thurles Drama Group for their support of our school and we very much look forward to a great night in The Source.

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