School Self Evaluation is a process by which every school looks at what it does and decides on ways to improve the quality of teaching and learning for our pupils.
Here in Presentation Primary School we have decided to look at the pupil’s handwriting as part of this self-evaluation. We have come up with a plan on how to teach and promote a style of writing which we believe will be beneficial to our pupils.
The plan, which can be seen on our website, goes through all the steps which need to be completed to ensure this plan works. Firstly we will focus on the children’s’ fine motor skills to ensure their fingers are strong and ready to hold the pencil properly. Then we will teach the ‘Pick and Flick’ technique to ensure our pupils have the correct pencil grip. Next we will teach a style of writing called Cursive Writing. This will involve all the children learning how to form and join their letters in a new cursive way.
There is a video available to watch on our website which demonstrates the ‘Pick and Flick’ and we ask that you watch this video and encourage your child to use this proper grip at home. We also ask that you encourage your child to try and use this new ‘fancy’ cursive style of writing when doing homework.