After a busy Maths Week, the children enjoyed a very ‘Fancy Dress Friday’ as we celebrated the Halloween Break. Ghouls and Goblins, Witches and Wizards, Minions and Marshmallows wandered through the school in a blaze of colour and smiles!

The children really enjoyed the novility of leaving the uniform at home and expressing themselves in costumes, facepaint and wigs!

Our Parents’ Council organised an art competition to celebrate Halloween and on Friday, Chairperson Fiona Connors presented smashing prizes to the winning entrants. Well done to all the boys and girls who did some wonderful artwork for this competition and thank you to Fiona and all the Parents’ Council for organising the event.
Here are some of the winners being presented with their prizes.

We wish all our pupils and their families a very Happy and Safe Halloween. During the week Garda Dan Brennan spoke to the senior classes about keeping safe at Halloween and we encourage all our pupils to take care over the midterm.

Here are all the photos from Friday for you to enjoy!