This month the focus of our Star Pupil intiaive was Homeowrk. Each teacher encouraged the children to make a spexcial effort to iprove their homework in some little way this month.

Our recent changes to our homework policy have proven to be successful with children really putting in a marvelous effort for the three days of traditional homework and then really enjoying and excelling with the alternative homework. We believe this to be a nice balance and we hope parents rare enjoying the various challenges each Thursday evening.

Here are our Star Pupils for November. Next month our focus will be on ‘Positivity and Goodwill’. We will be encouraging children to take on any problems or challenges they face with a positive attitude that focuses on solutions and resilience. The Goodwill part of the award encourages children to share the festive happiness with all their class mates and share a smile and a compliment each day.

Junior Infants
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