This month the boys and girls were making an extra special effort with their Maths as this was the focus of our Star Pupil Awards. The awards recognise those who excel in Maths as well as those who make great strides to improve in the subject. We are delighted to congratulate the following winners for this month!

This month has also seen our lots of planting and environmental awareness work. This is part of our Green Flag Programme as we strive towards receiving the Biodiversity Flag. We say a big thank you to our Green Schools Committee which is led by Ms. Mary Everard and Ms. Laura Ralph. Part of the process is to design a poster with a slogan promoting biodiversity and care for our natural environment.

This week’s Alternative Homework was to design and make a paper airplane. The children had great fun testing their planes against the rest of the class. Here are some photos of the Paper Airplane Competition!

We hope all our pupils and families enjoy the mid-term break. We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday, 10th May as we enter the final half term of the year. Here are over 150 photos for you to enjoy.