And so the curtain came down on another school year – and what a busy one it was!
Here are some of the highlights of the final few days .
We had a number of emotional farewells. We’ll start with the 26 First Class boys who bravely made the walk up the avenue as they departed for Scoil Ailbhe.

To the happy tune of Shotgun, and with a Guard of Honour from the entire school community, the boys smiled and waved as the left Presentation Primary School for the final time. We congratulate them on all that they achieved during their time with us. We thank their teachers Ms. King and Ms. Gleeson for their care and support of the boys, not just for this momentous journey, but for the whole year.

The next farewell was for Mrs. Monica Drohan who handed over her set of school keys which she so proudly held for the past 31 years.

We were delighted to celebrate Mrs. Drohan’s contribution and dedication to the Presentation at our End of Year Mass Ms. Everard and Mrs. Sheridan presented a book of memory patches to Mrs. Drohan. Each pupil in the school created a memory patch of which three were selected to be framed. We wish Monica and her family health and happiness in her retirement.

We also said farewell to Kathleen Carroll, who again retired after 31 years service to education. Kathleen was presented with a handmade clay pot filled with flowers. The pot was made and painted by the pupils of the school.

Mary Ryan also handed back the keys to the Secretary’s Office after 19 years of hard work and dedication to the school. Loved by all, Mary will be missed from our school and we wish her every happiness.

At our End-of-Year celebrations, Lorraine Taylor and Miss Ryan presented Mary with a book of portraits, one from each pupil in the school. Again three were selected to be framed.

Our sixth class girls bid an emotional goodbye to our school at their Graduation Ceremony. Mrs. Healy presented the girls with a gift and encouraged the girls to always smile and to stick together. The parents council presented the girls with a class photo. The ceremony ended with the class singing ‘When I Grow Up’.

A new feature of our school week is our School Assemblies each Friday. Here we learn together about school life, the wider world and we celebrate our successes. At our final assembly we acknowledged the good attendance of our pupils. Four girls had the wonderful achievement of being present in school EVERY day this year. The girls received a certificate and a gift voucher for Bookworm.

Ten pupils were absent for only one day this year and they were also presented with a certificate recognising their good attendance. Well done guys!

At this assembly we also presented prizes to the winners of the Pentel Art Competition. Mrs. Sheridan, who organised the competition, presented the fabulous prizes to the well deserving artists!

So that’s it for this year. Enjoy the summer holidays and we look forward to welcoming all our wonderful pupils, new and old, back to school on Wednesday, 28th August.