This week we were delighted to hear the news that schools will begin the process of re-opening from Monday next. While it is disappointing that our senior girls will have to wait for another two weeks, we know now that the end of remote learning is in sight for them too.
As we prepare to re-open, we are very aware that we must do everything we can to keep our children and staff safe over the coming weeks and months. This week parents will have received a copy of our school’s Covid Response Plan. This is the plan that we will follow to stay safe in school and we thank parents for their support with this.
Here is our plan again for anyone who didn’t see it.
And so to this week’s highlights! I have loved adding the weekly highlights over the past seven weeks and I thank the teachers, not only for sending me photos each week, but for their creativity and innovation in planning these lessons and activities.

built an animal enclosure.

‘The Eating on the Turret Stairs’
Thank you to all our wonderful children who worked so hard over the past seven weeks. We love seeing your work here on our website. We wish our senior pupils the very best as the tackle Seesaw for just 10 more days! And we look forward to welcoming our junior pupils back to the Presentation on Monday morning!!! We can’t wait to see you all!!