As another week of school closure comes to an end I want to say thank you to all our pupils and parents who are working so hard at home to complete the work the teachers are setting for you. I know many of you are using the new feature on Aladdin which allows you to send your work back to your teacher for review and we hope this is helping. Thank you also for the many messages of support and gratitude which you have shared. If you need us, we are here – the school mobile is 083 0884122 or you can email me at

Here are some pictures from the week gone by.

Nicole was busy this week but importantly took
time out to enjoy a nature walk with her family
Not to be outdone by her sister, Emma was also very busy doing some beautiful handwriting.
Dean is missing all his school friends but is enjoying having time to play with all his toys!
Junior Infants have been learning about Transport this week and Karlo made a super effort with his PowerPoint, worksheets and he even drew this picture of all the types of transport he was learning about. Well done Karlo!
Emma Jane was also exploring with the various types of Transport and
gathered as many types as she could find at home.
Aoife has been working very hard with her reading and school work. Well done Aoife!
Ellie took up a new hobby and knitted this colourful scarf for next winter. This is a great time to try new things and learn new skills. Well done Ellie!

We look forward to seeing more of you photos next week. Enjoy the weekend and well done. We miss you all and look forward to seeing you back in he Pres as soon as we can.

A special word of thanks to all the mammies and daddies out there who are working on the front-line to ensure we all have food, medical care and security. Stay Safe and Stay at Home.

Categories: News